Monday, May 21, 2012


During the climatic change of 200,000 years ago Homo Sapiens had evolved. This species were hunter- gatherers and were able to adapt to the changing environment around them. Anatomically speaking Homo Sapiens are very similar to modern Homo Sapien Sapiens (modern man). Their skeletons were of a lighter build than previous human species. The brain size is very large and can vary depending on population and gender. The skull evolved as modern man evolved and became thin-walled, high vaulted with a flat and near vertical forehead. The brow ridge is much smaller and pronounced than previous species and the jaws are less developed with smaller teeth. Evidence shows that we most likely evolved from Homo Heidelbergensis and our closest extinct ancestor is Homo Neanderthal. Homo Sapiens not only made stone tools they refined and specialized them. They created tools that could be used for a variety of different tasks like fishhooks, harpoons, bows and arrows, spear throwers and sewing needles. For millions of years the species Homo spent much of their time hunting and gathering food. But within in the last 12,000 years Homo Sapiens transitioned into producing food and changing the environment. Prehistoric humans discovered they could control the growth and breeding of certain species of plants and animals. This led ultimately to farming and herding. AS agriculture grew so did villages, then towns and finally cities. And thus the human race as we know it was born.

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